Kashmir Amlok
Amlok (date plum) is so called because it tastes like a cross between date and a plum. In fact it is not related to either, but is a very close relation to the persimmon. It is native to the Himalayas and grows wild in Pakistan and India, where it does not yet have a history of cultivation. The fruit of Diospyros lotus begins green, then the unripe fruit turns yellow (and should not be eaten at this stage) and finally turns purple-black. It looks like a small black persimmon and has 5 or 6 large seeds inside it. The fruit is sometimes dried and is tastes amazing in this way as well. The fruit is only 1 or 2 centimetres in diameter, but is highly valued for its sweetness. For those with a sweet tooth, indulge yourself in its sweetness, guiltlessly, for they are packed with health benefits as well.
200 GMS